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01 Jul. 2024

FOODCoST D4.1 - Map of Stakeholders


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This document describes the setting up of the Stakeholders mapping as the preliminary step towards the setting-up of the stakeholder’s platform from which to select the CoP (Community of Practice) members and to invite relevant speakers and participants to the Mobilization and Mutual learning Workshops (MMLs) that will be organized during the project.

Deliverable 4.1 supports the identification of key actors, which will assist the right development of the all project phases.

The document is organized as follows:
  • Chapter 3 focuses on the process which leads to the Stakeholders Involvement, underlining their relevance within the project development and their importance in maximizing the external feedback.
  • Chapter 4 introduces the Map of stakeholders, and it briefly summarizes the overall methodology and scope of the database linking with the selection for CoP members and MML workshops.
  • Chapter 5  and Chapter 6 are dedicated to the description of the CoP and MMLs workshops processes.
  • Chapter 7 describes the role of the Map of the stakeholders for the selection of the CoP members, and for engaging experts / relevant actors into the MML Workshops.